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You can use the links below to quickly connect to some of our most visited pages.
If you found a broken link, you can alsoreport itso we can get it corrected.

Registration Assistance Icon

Get Registered and Enrolled

Admission and Registration

The Office of Admissions and Registrar can assist you with a variety of enrollment-related items, such as submitting your application, requesting transcripts, or registering for classes.

Connect with the Office of Admissions and Registrar

Learn more about clearing Meningitis Holds

Request or Submit Transcripts


Our advisors and ACE It Coaches are here to ensure that you're on the right path and have fulfilled all of the requirements to get you admitted, enrolled and on your way to a successful future.

Connect with Counseling and Testing

Information for Dual Credit Students

Connect with an ACE It Coach

Paying for College

Financial Aid can help you with applying for aid, understanding the types of aid and receiving your offered funds. You can make payments and set up payment plans with the Cashier's Office.

Connect with the Financial Aid Office

Connect with the Cashier's Office (Business Office)

Required Testing

All new degree-seeking students are required to take the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Assessment. To support our students through this crisis, we now provide testing services both online and on-campus.

Learn more and Register for the TSI Exam

Complete the TSI Pre-Assessment Activity before taking the TSI Exam

Connecting with Online Student Support Services Icon

Getting to Class

Get Connected Online or In-Person

Need help preparing for class? Use the links below for everything from logging into Virtual Campus (D2L) and finding your class on campus to checking your Brazosport College email.

Download a Map of Campus

Login to Virtual Campus (D2L)

Check your Brazosport College Email

Download your Schedule on MyBC

Help with Technology

We have laptops, hotspots, and guides to help set up your email on your phone. The Distance Learning Department can help answer questions regarding Virtual Campus (D2L).

Learn How to Reset Your Password

Connect with Virtual Campus (D2L) Support

Take a Tour of Virtual Campus

Request a Personal Hot Spot or Laptop

Set up your BC Email on youriPhoneorAndroid

What to Expect Icon

Making the Grade

Academic Support Services

Having trouble in your classes? We're here to help. We've worked to move many of our support services online, ensuring you can get the help you need to stay successful.

Connect with the Writing Center

Connect with the Math Center

Connect with a Librarian

Connect with an SI Leader for help in a Science Course

Watch a video about the Student Success Center

Access to Services on Campus

需要做一个测试或买一本书吗?服务莱克阀门e the Bookstore and Learning Services are still open to help you throughout the semester.Reach out to the IT Helpdesk for assistance with your student account and technology-related needs.

Connect with the IT HelpDesk

Check out the BC Bookstore's Website

Make up a test or get help from Learning Services

Helping Hand Icon

A Helping Hand

Food and Emergency Assistance

We have emergency assistance available to help students who are experiencing a great deal of uncertainty and stress.

Connect with the Office of Wellness and Basic Needs

Request Information about GatorMart (BC's Foodbank)

Watch a video about GatorMart (BC's Foodbank)

Apply for Emergency Aid

Educational and Career Planning

Our dedication to student success is central to everything we do. Whatever your career goals are, we’re here to help get you there.

Connect with an ACEit Coach

Request to speak with a Counselor

Check out the Career Center

Watch a video about the Career Center

Fun Icon

Take a Break

Check out a Virtual Event

We are here to continue to help you outside the classroom by providing quality student engagement and wellness activities that complement academic programs and enhance the educational experience.

Browse Upcoming Events

Connect with the Office of Student Life

Get Connected on Social Media

Connect with groups on campus through Facebook and get updates on all the happenings at Brazosport College through our social media channels.

Connect with us on Facebook

Connect with us on Instagram

Connect with us on Twitter

Connect with us on Vimeo

Join theBAT Programor theHealth and WellnessFacebook Group