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Entrance RequirementsApplicants may be admitted to Brazosport College on one of the following conditions:
- 毕业于经认可的高中- Applicants who graduated from a non-accredited high school may be granted qualified admission and, at the discretion of the Director of Admissions, permitted to remove any deficiencies.
- Transfer from another college- 可以通过转移信贷来录取良好地站立的学生。然而,巴西斯波特学院不会承认正在从另一所学校执行纪律提取的学生。学生在学术暂停或另一个机构的缓刑下将在缓刑中被录取。BrazoSport College要求学生在另一个机构在另一个机构的成绩单上列出的课程,即使课程作业也会提交每个机构的官方成绩单。唯一的例外是学生学士学位或更高的学生。
- 通过检查- 申请人可以在成功完成国家教育机构认证的一般教育发展(GED)测试后录取。
- Individual approval- In special circumstances, students who are 18 years of age or older may be admitted through individual approval. Admission by individual approval is limited to the following types of students:
- individuals with work experience who wish to enter a workforce education certificate program
- 在大学安置测试上表现出适当分数的个人
Students must have a recommendation from the appropriate division chair and approval from the Director of Admissions prior to being admitted by individual approval. ImmunizationBeginning with the spring 2012 semester,Section 51.9192 of the Texas Education Coderequires all students entering an institution of higher education to provide proof of receiving a bacterial meningitis vaccination received within 5 years of the date in which they apply to the institution. Proof of vaccination must be received by the Office of Admissions no later than 10 days prior to the published start of courses for a particular academic semester. Students who do not provide proof of bacterial meningitis vaccination by the established deadline could be removed from courses. 德克萨斯州教育规则第51.9192条提供了超过22岁以上的学生的豁免,目前正在参加高等学校的学生,或仅在线参加课程的学生。如果在线学生在任何课程的校园内注册,他们会受到既定规则的影响,并且必须在前5年内至少10天在本学期发表开始日期开始前至少10天内提供细菌脑膜炎疫苗接种证明。目前的学生应该受到规则的影响,他们应该在入学至少一个秋季或春季学期。 德克萨斯教育规范的第2.09和2.09A部分强调学生维持免疫的重要性。 Course Placement: Texas Success Initiative (TSI) TestingBrazoSport学院是一个开放式录取机构;但是,学生必须展示德克萨斯高等教育协调委员会在注册大多数大学转让课程和一些劳动力教育课程之前进行适当的阅读,写作和数学技能。 德州教育要求所有studen代码ts who enter public institutions of higher learning to be assessed for reading, writing, and math skills before enrolling in academic classes. Brazosport College administers the TSI Test to assess these skills. A passing score on these exams is not required for admission to the college; however, students must satisfy all sections of the TSI test before enrolling in college-level courses which would bring their total completed college-level semester credit hours to 60 hours or more. Students who do not make a passing score on any part of the TSI test will be required to enroll in transitional education courses until they demonstrate the required skills or pass the failed section(s) of the TSI test.寻求学位的学生必须在进入BrazoSport学院之前进行TSI测试。注册证书计划的学生免于TSI测试。 为了帮助学生成为大学就绪,BrazoSport学院提供PSYC 1300 - Learning Framework。本课程旨在为学生提供有源和成功学习者所需的知识,技能和能力。本课程中涵盖的一些主题包括:1)目标设置,2)有效时间管理,3)处理压力,4)注意,5)主动阅读,6)测试策略和7)进行研究。 For more information on this course, please contact Vivian Rodgers at 979-230-3283. Exemptions from the TSI test may apply to students who meet specific criteria as designated in the TSI regulations. Consult the Office of Admissions or the Counseling and Testing Office for details on TSI exemptions. Brochures about TSI testing are available at the counter of the Registrar’s Office and in the Counseling and Testing Office. For more information on college placement tests or to arrange for testing, contact the Brazosport College Counseling and Testing Office at 979-230-3000. Skill Requirement CodesBrazoSport College的学术课程和一些员工教育课程要求学生展示适当的阅读,写作和/或数学技能。所需的技能水平以“技能代码”表示,并基于TSI分数分配。可以使用其他满足技能水平要求的方法。它们包括转移课程或成功完成规定的过渡教育课程。 Skill Requirements and Matching Codes for Reading and WritingStudents are at the college level if they do not require transitional coursework. They are eligible to takeENGL 1301 - 构成和修辞I。 数学的技能要求和匹配代码Students are at the college level in mathematics if they are eligible to take either数学1314 - 大学代数, or 数学1342.- Statistics。Through holistic advising with a counselor or advisor, students requiring transitional coursework are placed into one of the following levels.
Algebra Pathway |
Statistics Pathway |
- Math skills are at the college level in Algebra. Student is eligible to takeMATH 1314。
- Math skills are at the college level in Statistics. Student is eligible to take数学1342.。
代码T:学生必须通过办公室教育技术数学考试或完成POFT 1321 - Business Math。 下面的列表是c的概述ourses offered at Brazosport College. To view the skill levels required click on a discipline below. The requirements are current as of the date of the publication of this catalog and are subject to change throughout the year. If you think you might be exempt from testing, see a counselor prior to registering for the TSI test.
Transfer of Credit to Brazosport CollegeTransfer credit will be granted to students who earn college credit with a “C” or better from institutions that are accredited by recognized regional accrediting agencies.