学生生活学生身体All students have representation in student government and are encouraged to participate in student-sponsored activities and other activities supported by student service fees. For more information, visit the学生生活网页。 Intramural Sports在BrazoSport Collect学院注册信用课程的学生有资格参加学院的历史娱乐活动计划。活动包括但不限于旗帜足球,保龄球,网球,排球和篮球。 This program offers students, experienced or inexperienced, an opportunity to compete against their fellow students. Clubs and OrganizationsDuring the college’s first year of operation, several student groups were formed and, since then, other clubs have been added, giving students a wide range of organizations from which to choose. To review a list of student organizations, visit the学生生活网页。 Student groups seeking to be recognized as an official organization and to be eligible to operate on the campus must complete the recognition process through the Office of Student Life which will determine the organization’s eligibility. If the group is eligible for recognition, the Director of Student Life will make the recommendation to the Dean of Student Services and the College President for final approval. Intercollegiate ProgramsBrazoSport学院是墨西哥湾海岸的一员会议。本综合会议会员学校的学生参加了田径,戏剧性的艺术,文学活动,音乐,视觉艺术和职业领域。 Phi Theta KappaBrazosport大学有一个当地的章φ提斯a Kappa, the only internationally acclaimed honor society serving two-year colleges. To be eligible for active membership, students must have completed at least 12 semester hours at Brazosport College, exclusive of transitional education courses, be enrolled in 6 semester hours at Brazosport College, and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 on all college-level coursework attempted. Induction ceremonies are conducted in the fall and spring semesters. Contact Cassie Bruner, Lead Advisor, at 979-230-3259 or Cassie.Bruner@www.d-onis.com. 学生政府协会学生政府协会(SGA)在三十多年前建立了学生政府委员会,由学生机构任命。委员会制定了一个由学生机构于1969年10月通过的模型宪法。第一位学生参议院当时选出并安装了。 SGA为所有学生组织提供学生和支持的代表性。SGA为学生提供了参与大学决策过程和规划以及练习自治的机会。SGA官员和代表由学生团体选出。有关SGA的信息或参与其中,请致电979-230-3355或979-230-3550。 学生生活Board学生生活委员会成立于2007年春季。这些学生助理协调旨在使学生机构有益的特殊计划和活动。他们的使命是通过提供改善学生生活的活动和计划来促进学生的互动和发展。有关学生生命委员会或参与的信息,请致电979-230-3355或979-230-3412。 Counseling and AdvisingStudent Assistance鼓励学生联系任何教职员工或工作人员,以协助教育,职业或其他问题。所有全职教师成员都保留了学生会议的日常办公时间。 咨询和测试The counselors are dedicated to providing the support and guidance that students need to reach their educational objectives. Enrolled or prospective students are encouraged to visit with a counselor for assistance with academic advisement that might include exploring majors and setting educational goals, assistance with college placement tests, academic or technical course planning, and help with university transfer questions. Counselors are trained to provide additional services for students with disabilities, single parents, and students seeking veteran’s benefits. These services also include short-term personal crisis counseling and utilize a variety of referral resources both on campus and in the community to enhance student success. Career Services职业和转让中心的目标是在职业规划过程中教育,支持和指导个人。协助获得信息和机会,以制定从课堂转换到工作场所的必要技能。无论您是对主要的,职业选择,写作恢复或访谈都不确定,您可以利用职业生涯和转移中心的服务进行援助。兼职和校外就业的列表可在本办公室提供。有关更多信息,请访问职业和转移中心网页。 学院的工作研究计划使合格的大学生能够在参加课程时兼职校园兼职。校园就业的财务援助办公室和工作安排坐标申请。 Library and Learning Services图书馆A vital learning resource, the college library contains more than 70,000 volumes, 345 periodical titles, and a variety of full text, online databases. The library maintains extensive back files of periodicals, in bound, microform and electronic full text formats. Newspapers from locations throughout Texas and the United States are available. The library offers a number of powerful online resources. Its web site, located at//www.d-onis.com/library., is designed to provide access to the library’s automated card catalog, as well as a number of electronic resources, including full text journal and newspaper databases and electronic books, all available on-campus, off-campus and by mobile device. The library has 47 computers and 14 laptops for student use on a first-come, first-serve basis. Printing in the library is 10 cents per black and white page and 25 cents per color page, payable at the main desk. Students may purchase paper in the library for use in open computer labs. 图书馆中的材料由教师和专业图书馆工作人员共同选出,以满足BrazoSport大学生和教师的课程需求。图书馆工作人员欢迎学生对新书,期刊和其他材料的建议。图书馆为学生,员工和教师提供互际贷款服务。 The library has six study rooms available for students to reserve for private study, study groups or meetings. The rooms may be reserved up to two weeks in advance; reservations may be made in person at the main desk. 图书馆知识渊博的员工为个人和课程提供研究辅助。通过致电979-230-3310,可以在主桌上安排课堂游览,方向和专业研讨会。 Library hours: 上午7:30 - 周一至周四上午9:30 7:30 a.m. - 12 noon, Friday 学习服务Located on the first floor, adjacent to the Library, Learning Services provides a variety of services to help students with their course work.
- 计算服务 - 用于学生使用的备用大约40台计算机的开放式计算机实验室。有几种配件可以在最小的充电下进行打印。
- Online Learning Services - A section of the computer lab is set aside for online course work.
- Testing Services - Proctored testing services, including computerized testing, are provided for faculty and students Monday through Thursday at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m., 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. and Friday at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. A current Brazosport College Photo I.D. is required for all BC tests. Call 230-3253 or come by to reserve a place.
- 技术支持服务 - 工作人员提供了与课程工作相关的有限的技术支持。
- 音频/可视化服务 - 学生可以查看教学保留的音频/可视磁带,CD或其他媒体。
- Office Equipment Services - Several pieces of equipment are available including a photocopier, a laminator, staplers, and hole punches
- Study Skill Services - Learning Services provides a variety of information in how to manage time and optimize learning.
- 会议室 - 酒店提供定期会议和学习团体的会议室。
学习服务时间:上午7:30 - 周一至周四上午9:30 7:30 a.m. - 12 noon,Friday Veterans AffairsVeterans and eligible dependents who want to apply for veteran’s educational benefits should contact the Veterans’ Advisor before they register. Because certification is done at the student’s request, veterans should contact the Veterans’ Advisor each semester. Student Success CenterBrazoSport学院Student Success Center存在给所有学生提供各种学术支持服务。这些服务包括学习框架,补充指导(或SI),BrazoSport学院写作中心,BrazoSport College Math Center,其他形式的辅导和研讨会。研究强烈支持在学生成功中心使用服务。利用这些服务的学生赚取更高的成绩,更有可能以更高的速度留在大学和毕业。 Learning Framework (PSYC1300)学习框架课程教导了基于声音心理调查和学习理论的学习技术。这是一个对学生的立即申请的心理学课程。学习框架课程中涵盖的主题包括:
- How college is different than high school
- 如何成为一个“一个”学生
- 如何使用mybc., BC email, p-drive, Desire2Learn
- 记笔记
- Active learning
- Motivation
- 目标设置
- Time management
- Memory
- 准备考试
- 改善阅读
- 改善写作,
- Career explorations
- Learning styles
- 管理压力
- Fiscal management
For questions aboutLearning Framework, contact the Transitional Educational Department, at 979-230-3184. Supplemental Instruction (SI)Supplemental Instruction (SI)是一项免费的学术支持计划,采用协作,实践学习策略,以提高学术课程的学术绩效和保留。SI涉及使用定期定期的同行促进会话,其中学生提供了处理和练习课程相关信息的机会。 每个SI部分都由成功完成相同课程的同伴领导者促进。SI领导人是作为“模范学生”的促进者。他们参加所有定期计划的讲座,记笔记,并阅读所有分配的材料。SI领导人每周开展三个或更多课外SI会议,以分享学习策略,审查材料和回答问题。总体目标是将“如何学习”与“学习什么”一体化。 All students enrolled in an SI-supported course are eligible and strongly encouraged to participate. At Brazosport College, students who participate in SI tend to earn from one-half to one full letter grade higher than those who do not participate in SI. To learn more about which courses are supported by SI, or for general questions about SI, contact the Supplemental Instruction Coordinator, Pat Jeffreys, at 979-230-3322. Writing CenterThe mission of the Brazosport College Writing Center (BC WC) is to create and facilitate a culture of literacy at Brazosport College. We believe that literacy education is a life-long process. Life is lumpy. While we might have one plan today, we don’t know what skills we will need in the future. All fields require literacy skills, and reading and writing are components of science, nursing, and workforce programs as well. Effective communication is a skill that employers always need, and the Brazosport College Writing Center is committed to supporting the reading and writing of our academic and larger community. BC WC不仅适用于那些难以写作,阅读或说话的人。所有成功的作家都知道没有什么是孤立写的。作家需要读者,写作中心至少有两名工作人员的读者每小时在写作过程的每个阶段与您合作。 随着步入式访问,我们还允许学生通过访问提前安排约会www.www.d-onis.com/writingcenterscheduleor calling us at 979.230.3184 or 3460, and students have a choice between 25 minute and 55 minute session lengths. Students can expect to receive assistance in becoming more effective readers and communicators in speaking and writing. The Writing Center Consultants can help you with:
- 阅读理解,
- 阅读和研究苏rces for your writing projects,
- brainstorming possible topics in response to an assignment,
- 发展思想,
- 在您的写作中保持关注,
- 组织和概述演讲,
- 在权力点演示期间清楚地沟通,
- 格式化MLA,APA和CMS之后的学术写作,以及
- discovering and learning how to control persistent patterns of error.
While we don’t provide proofreading services, we will work to enable you to become a better editor of your own work. 教师可以期望为他们的学生和自己获得支持。写作中心将通过提供综合辅导,课堂课程,支持的同行评审或对您的班级和学生阅读和写作需求进行的课程审查或补充研讨会合作。除了在描述写作中心如何帮助您的学生取得成功的学期开始时访问,我们可以提供指定的导师,他们将与您见面,以便在您的课堂材料上保持当前,并提供有关访问写作的学生的反馈中心似乎了解这种材料。与指定的导师合作为您的学生提供有关您的作业和类概念的理解,为您提供窗口,并且这种洞察力可以帮助您在课堂上确定提供哪些教训和干预措施。除了辅导服务之外,写作中心还可以帮助您更有效地将写作融入您的课程:
- offering assistance in developing and scaffolding assignments to solicit the thinking you want to evaluate,
- providing ways to more effectively respond to and assess student writing, including assistance in designing evaluation guidelines and rubrics,
- and discussing how to use writing to teach writing concepts that you find students consistently struggling with.
如果您想讨论BrazoSport学院写作中心可以支持现有的写作指导或帮助您将写作融入您的任何课程,请联系书面中心,朱尔博士(april.julier@www.d-onis.comor 979.230.3174). Math CenterThe Student Success Center provides drop-in tutoring in all areas of math. Students may drop in any time Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm and on Fridays, 9:00 am- to noon. 除了下载数学辅导,Brazosport Collecth还提供视频学习课程MATH 0404,MATH 0406, andMATH 0408。这些代数学习模块will help students prepare for placement exams, review long lost knowledge, and assist in course success. 有关Math Center的问题,请联系Rebecca Goins,铅数学导师,979-230-2134。 Other Tutoring Services学生成功中心为各种其他科目的所有学生提供免费辅导。以下是其他辅导区域的上市:
- 解剖学与生理学
- 微生物学
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Spanish
- Accounting
- 电脑
- Music
Students who desire assistance in an area not listed above or have questions about these additional services contact theStudent Success Center,979-230-3184。