Student Conduct为了创建一个气候,支持学生success on the Brazosport College campus, students are expected to act in accordance with all college rules and regulations and with federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Behavior or actions that impede, obstruct or threaten the legal rights of others on campus will be subject to student discipline action and penalties. College policies relating to students’ conduct, rights, and responsibilities can be found in theStudent Guide and Calendar. “学生行为准则”中概述Student Guide and Calendar, assume that college-level students are familiar with the rules governing proper and appropriate conduct and that the rules will be observed. The “Student Code of Conduct” include but are not limited to gambling, dishonesty, scholastic dishonesty, possession or use of firearms or other hazardous weapons, disorderly conduct, or disrupting behavior that interferes with the educational process. Other breaches include hazing, endangering the health or safety of others, destruction of or damaging college property, dressing and grooming that is inappropriate, stealing, unauthorized use of college computers, or the violation of any federal, state, or local law or regulation while on this campus or as part of college sponsored activities, on or off campus. Any such breach of conduct will result in disciplinary action and inclusion in the student’s permanent record. 按照1989年的无毒学校和社区法案,遵守所有联邦,国家和地方法律或法规,学院禁止制造,销售,分配,分配,占有,使用受控物质(见德克萨斯州控制物质法for a list of controlled substances), or possession or use of drug paraphernalia on campus or as part of college sponsored activities. For more information about policies relating to student conduct, refer to the “Standards of Student Conduct” found in theStudent Guide and Calendar或者contact the Office of the Dean of Students. Student RightsAll students at Brazosport College have the following 8 rights. College policy related to each right is included.
1. Right to be free from discrimination on the basis of race, gender, color, religion, national origin, age, or disability. BrazoSport学院不得根据种族,信条,颜色,国家来源,公民身份,年龄,残疾,怀孕,宗教,性别,性别认同,遗传信息,婚姻状况,退伍军人身份或任何其他受保护课程的基础上歧视适用的联邦和州法律。以下人员已被指定以处理有关不歧视政策的咨询: 人力资源副总裁 500 College Drive Lake Jackson, TX 77566 979-230-3459 Please refer to Brazosport College PolicyFA (LEGAL). 2. Right to be able to apply for admission. BrazoSport学院政策FB (LOCAL)- Admissions andFB(法律)- Admissions addresses the rights of students as it pertains to admissions. All students shall be able to apply for admission to Brazosport College including home-schooled or privately educated students and international students. Additional information regarding admission is on theAdmissionswebpage. 3. Right to review all educational records and to file complaints regarding them (including all rights under FERPA guidelines). Brazosport College policyFJ (LEGAL)- Student Records andFJ (LOCAL)- Student Records addresses the rights of students as it pertains to records. These rights include the right to privacy, access to educational records, the right to review and to request corrections to their records and the right to require the school to obtain written consent prior to the disclosure of any information. Information regarding these rights is available in theBrazosport College Catalog,Brazosport College Student Guide & Calendar, and on the注册商webpage. 4. Right to be free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. It is the policy of Brazosport College that all employees and students or users of college resources be able to enjoy a campus environment free of all forms of discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Brazosport College policyFFD (LEGAL)- Freedom from Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation addresses the rights of students as it pertains to discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Students who feel their rights have been violated are provided the process for addressing the alleged violation. The statement instructs anyone who has a grievance to submit their written grievance to the College administrators identified as the Title IX coordinator and the Section 504 Coordinator. Board policyFFD (LOCAL)- 学生福利 - 自由免于性暴力,歧视,骚扰和报复概述了解决标题IX投诉的步骤,也是如此非歧视通知webpage. Marshall S. Campbell,人力资源副总裁和IX协调员: Office C.117; 979-230-3459; Kelli Forde,学生生活协调员和副职称IX协调员 Office J.117D; 979-230-3355; 5. Right to appeal decisions in academic matters, including grades. Brazosport College students are encouraged to resolve grade issues informally with their instructor, where possible and appropriate. In the event that a grade concern cannot be resolved informally, students may follow through the academic appeals process which is introduced in this catalog and detailed inEGA-R (LOCAL)- 第7-17页的学术成就和信用。
- Written request to the division chair within sixty calendar days of the due date of grades posted at semester’s end.
- If the division chair is unable to satisfactorily address the issue, the student may provide a written appeal to the Dean of Instruction,Jeff.Detrick@www.d-onis.comfor review by the Academic Appeals committee.
- If the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the Academic Appeals committee, the student may apply for a review by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
6.上诉财务援助暂停的权利 Students not meeting established financial aid criteria may seek to appeal if mitigating circumstances affect academic performance. Mitigating circumstances are defined as a change in program study, illness, death of a family member, or other traumatic life-altering events of the student. The appeal may not be based upon the need for assistance or the lack of knowledge that the assistance was in jeopardy. Information including the written appeal document may be found at the经济资助website. 7.到期的权利。 Board PolicyFM (LEGAL)- Discipline and Penalties provides that students at Brazosport College that are “subject to discipline by the college district must be afforded the level of due process, including notice and an opportunity to respond, under the U.S. Constitution Fourteenth Amendment that corresponds with the level of the discipline”. Student Guide and Calendar on, these include the right to:
- have their case processed without unreasonable delay,
- receive prompt written notice of alleged violations per Brazosport College communication policies,
- have reasonable access to any written testimony to be used against them with written request filed in a timely manner, with the conduct officer,
- be able to, in a formal hearing, question witnesses against them,
- produce witnesses and/or evidence per prescribed procedure on their own behalf,
- decide not to be a witness against him/herself, or to have their silence be construed as an admission of responsibility,
- and, have a decision based on a preponderance of the evidence.
8. Right to appeal the outcome of a student conduct violation or sanctions by the Dean of Students Services, her delegate or the Community Appeals and Adjudication Board. As outlined in the Brazosport CollegeStudent Guide & Calendar院长达成的,这一决定学生检修es, her delegate or the Community Appeals and Adjudication Board may be appealed by accused students or complainants to an Appeals Board within five (5) working days of being notified of the decision. If the student is notified of the decision by letter, the student has five (5) working days from the date on the letter to make an appeal. Such appeals shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. The Vice President will determine if the student has grounds for appeal based on a substantial procedural irregularity, bias by the hearing officer or board or evidence not available at the hearing which might have rendered a difference outcome, if it had been available. The Vice President may choose to modify findings of responsibility, sanctions, both, remand the case for a new hearing or uphold the original decision.
学生服务的院长负责调查遵守董事会政策的所有指控FMA (LOCAL)- Discipline and Penalties - Discipline Procedures which describes in detail the procedures provided for students who believe that their rights have been violated. Additionally, students may file complaints in person (Room J.117), inwriting或者在线的. Photo ID Cards学生必须拥有他们的BrazoSport学院照片身份证(myBCCard) with them at all times when on campus. ThemyBCCard is required for services in the Library and Learning Services, Swamp (the student game room) and Computer Center, and may be requested for services in the Registrar’s Office, Business Office, Financial Aid Office, Bookstore, or for admission to campus activities. 学生必须在图书馆的主桌上呈现付费学费,以获取新卡或更新现有卡。每学期都会用贴纸更新卡,学生在BrazoSport College注册。 Students will choose between two types of student ID cards offered by Brazosport College: myBCDebit MasterCard - Financial aid funds or refunds due to the student will be placed on the debit card. This card is good for 3 years, and has a $20 replacement fee if a new card is issued for any reason before the expiration date. Students must present a driver’s license, state ID, or student Visa and be 18 or bring a parent to be eligible for the MasterCard. myBC身份证 - 此卡良好1年,如果在到期日之前出于任何原因发出新卡,则拥有10美元的更换费用。 Campus Internet PolicyBrazoSport College鼓励学生充分利用学院提供的技术。这种技术是教育经验的重要组成部分。BrazoSport College负责其在大型和学生提供的社区,以确保校园计算机保持有效维护并用于支持和增强型nt of instruction. 为满足该责任,该学院制定了以下关于图书馆,学习服务,校园实验室,无线网络区域和其他大学计算设施的互联网使用的以下指导方针。未能遵守这些准则可能会导致行政纪律,如下所述Student Guide and Calendarand/or the loss of computer privileges on campus. Additionally, some behaviors are punishable under criminal statutes.
- The college reserves the right to limit or prohibit Internet use during hours of peak demand so that students seeking to work on college assignments will have access to computers they need. Students using computers for casual, personal, or leisure activities may be asked to vacate a computer when it is needed by a student wishing to work on an assignment.
- In supervised facilities, such as the Library and Learning Services, access to the Internet will be limited to 30 minutes per user. Users must vacate the computer at the end of their time and may not seek immediate access to the Internet on another computer in that facility.
- Users are not to alter the setup of the computer in any way, nor are they to attempt to download upgrades to the Internet browsers (Firefox, Netscape or Internet Explorer). Users may not download any computer files to the hard drive of the computer they are using, nor may they install browser “plug-ins” or other such files. They may, however, download files to their own diskettes or other removable media or to network file servers using their student account. Users are expressly prohibited from downloading copyrighted material without permission. Such material includes, but is not limited to video, music, and other media files. Downloading such material using college computers without permission is subject to student conduct sanctions and criminal prosecution.
- In facilities where there is no direct charge for printing, users may print Internet files that are directly related to class work. Users who wish to print other files should save them to removable media and print on their own printer off site.
- The college recognizes that student and employees have the right to work in an environment in which they feel safe and protected from harassment; therefore, Internet users may not display on the monitor or print graphic images that others may find sexually offensive or threatening. All public computer areas are monitored for inappropriate access of such materials. Violators will be subject to student conduct sanctions as well as criminal prosecution.
- All computer and network use (including wireless network use) is subject to monitoring by Brazosport College Information Technology staff members without prior notice.
ParkingCars may be parked only in designated student parking areas located in the Blue, Orange, and Green parking lots. Class AttendanceBrazoSport学院的学生预计将定期上课。不允许无故缺席或“削减”。 大学法规限制了已经注册课程的学生课程,并在官方班车上市。 Students are responsible for all class work missed during any absence. Instructors will accept assignments without penalty when, in the instructor’s judgment, an absence could not be avoided. Missed Class DaysAny class day missed as a result of bad weather or emergency conditions will be rescheduled as appropriate. Student Absences on Religious Holy DaysA religious holy day is a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under theTexas Tax Code, Sec. 11.20. Students who plan to miss class to observe a religious holy day must notify their teacher in writing prior to the absence. Reasonable time will be provided to take an examination that is scheduled or to complete an assignment that is due during the absence. Notification forms are available from the Office of the Dean of Students. |