Student LifeStudent BodyAll students have representation in student government and are encouraged to participate in student-sponsored activities and other activities supported by student service fees. The Office of Student Life supports success by providing quality engagement opportunities that complement academic programs and enhance the educational experience for Brazosport College students.The Office of Student Life also provides support for all student organizations, New Student Orientation, Health and Wellness programming, the Swamp and the Fitness Loft. For more information, visit theStudent Lifeweb page. Intramural SportsStudents enrolled in courses at Brazosport College are eligible to participate in the college’s intramural recreational sports program. Activities include, but are not limited to flag football, volleyball, and basketball. This program offers students, experienced or inexperienced, an opportunity to compete against their fellow students. Please visit the Intramural Sports webpage for additional information on Intramural opportunities. 俱乐部和组织B.razosport College offers a wide variety of student clubs and organizations for students to become involved. To review a list of student organizations, visit theStudent Lifeweb page. 寻求被认可作为官方组织并有资格在校园内经营的学生团体必须通过学生生活办公室完成认可程序,这将决定组织的资格。如果本集团有资格获得认可,学生生活总监将向学生服务院长和学院总统进行最终批准的建议。 互殖计划B.razosport College is a member of the Gulf Coast Intercollegiate Consortium. Students in member schools of this comprehensive conference participate in athletics, dramatic arts, literary events, music, visual arts, and vocational areas. Phi Theta Kappa.BrazoSport College有一篇关于Phi Theta Kappa的本地篇章,这是唯一一个为两年大学提供的国际知名的荣誉社会。有资格获得积极会员资格,学生必须完成至少12个学期致力于在BrazoSport College致力于证书的联营或学士学位或6个学期工作时间,并在所有大学级课程中具有3.5的累计成绩点。尝试过。感应仪式在秋季和春季学期进行。联系Cassie Bruner,Lead Advisor,979-230-3259或。 Student Government Association这Student Government Association (SGA) was established more than three decades ago through the Student Government Committee which was appointed by the student body. The committee formulated a model constitution which was adopted by the student body in October 1969. The first student senate was elected and installed at that time. 这SGA provides representation for students and support for all student organizations. SGA provides opportunities for students to participate in college decision-making processes and planning and to practice self-government. The SGA officers and representatives are elected by the student body. For information on SGA or to become involved, call 979-230-3355 or 979-230-3550. Counseling and Advising学生的帮助Students are encouraged to contact any faculty or staff member for assistance on educational, vocational, or other related topics. All full-time faculty members maintain daily office hours for student conferences. Counseling and Testing辅导员是致力于提供增刊ort and guidance that students need to reach their educational objectives. Enrolled or prospective students are encouraged to visit with a counselor for assistance with academic advisement that might include exploring majors and setting educational goals, assistance with college placement tests, academic or technical course planning, and help with university transfer questions. Counselors are trained to provide additional services for students with disabilities, single parents, and students seeking veteran’s benefits. These services also include short-term personal crisis counseling and utilize a variety of referral resources both on campus and in the community to enhance student success. 职业Services的目标职业and Transfer Center is to educate, support, and guide individuals in the process of career planning. Assistance with obtaining information and opportunities to develop the necessary skills to transition from the classroom to the workplace. Whether you are uncertain about a major, a career choice, writing resumes, or interviewing, you may utilize the services in the Career and Transfer Center for assistance. Listings for part-time and off campus employment are available in this office. For more information, visit the职业and Transfer Centerweb page. 这college’s Work-Study Program enables qualified college students to work on campus part-time while taking courses. The financial aid office and job placement coordinate applications for on-campus employment. 图书馆和学习服务这LibraryA vital learning resource, the college library contains more than 70,000 volumes, 345 periodical titles, and a variety of full text, online databases. The library maintains extensive back files of periodicals, in bound, microform and electronic full text formats. Newspapers from locations throughout Texas and the United States are available. 该库提供了许多强大的在线资源。它的网站,位于//, is designed to provide access to the library’s automated card catalog, as well as a number of electronic resources, including full text journal and newspaper databases and electronic books, all available on-campus, off-campus and by mobile device. The library has 24 computers and 14 laptops for student use on a first-come, first-serve basis. Printing in the library is 10 cents per black and white page and 25 cents per color page, payable at the main desk. Students may purchase paper in the library for use in open computer labs. 这materials in the library are selected jointly by the faculty and professional library staff to serve the curricular needs of Brazosport College students and faculty. The library staff welcomes student suggestions for new books, periodicals, and other materials. The library offers interlibrary loan services to students, staff and faculty. 这library has six study rooms available for students to reserve for private study, study groups or meetings. The rooms may be reserved up to two weeks in advance; reservations may be made in person at the main desk. The library also has a computer lab available for class instruction with 24 computers and an instructor’s computer. 这library has knowledgeable staff to provide research assistance to both individuals and classes. Class tours, orientations, and specialized workshops may be scheduled at the main desk by calling 979-230-3310. Library hours: 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m., Monday-Thursday 上午7:30 - 12中午,星期五 Learning Services学习服务毗邻图书馆的一楼,提供各种服务,以帮助学生课程工作。
- Computing Services - an open computer lab with approximately 28 computers are set-aside for student use. Several accessories are available along with printing at a minimal charge.
- Online Learning Services - A section of the computer lab is set aside for online course work.
- Testing Services - Proctored testing services, including computerized testing, are provided for faculty and students Monday through Thursday at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m., 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. and Friday at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. A current Brazosport College Photo I.D. is required for all BC tests. Call 230-3253 or come by to reserve a place.
- Tech Support Services - The staff provides a limited amount of technical support related to course work.
- Audio/Visual Services - Students may view audio/visual tapes, CDs, or other media that instructors reserve.
- 办公设备服务 - 有几块设备可提供,包括复印机,层压机,订书机和孔打孔
- 学习技能服务 - 学习服务提供了如何管理时间和优化学习的各种信息。
- Conference Rooms -Three large conference rooms are available for meetings for scheduled meetings and study groups.
Learning Services hours:7:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m., Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 12 noon,星期五 Veterans Affairs想要申请退伍军人教育福利的退伍军人和符合条件的家属应在注册之前联系退伍军人顾问。由于认证是在学生的要求下完成的,因此退伍军人应联系每个学期的退伍军人顾问。 学生成功中心B.razosport College学生成功中心exists to provide a variety of academic support services to all students. These services include Learning Framework, Supplemental Instruction (or SI), the Brazosport College Writing Center, the Brazosport College Math Center, Student Mentor support, along with other forms of tutoring, and workshops. Research strongly supports the use of services at the Student Success Center. Students who take advantage of these services earn higher grades, are more likely to stay in college and graduate at a higher rate. 学习框架(PSYC1300)这Learning Framework course teaches techniques for learning that are based on sound psychological findings and learning theory. It is a psychology course that has immediate applications for the student. Topics covered in the Learning Framework course include:
- 学院如何与高中不同
- How to be an “A” student
- How to usemyBC, BC email, p-drive, Desire2Learn
- Taking notes
- Active learning
- Motivation
- Goal setting
- Time management
- 记忆
- Preparing for exams
- Improving reading
- Improving writing,
- 职业explorations
- Learning styles
- Managing stress
- 财政管理
问题学习框架,联系the Transitional Educational Department, at 979-230-3184. 补充指令(SI)补充指令(SI)is a free academic support program that uses collaborative, hands-on learning strategies to increase academic performance and retention in SI-supported courses. SI involves the use of regularly scheduled peer-facilitated sessions in which students are provided the opportunity to process and practice course-related information. Each SI section is facilitated by a peer leader, known as an SI Leader, they are required to have successfully completed the same course, preferably with the same instructor of the course they will support. SI leaders are facilitators that function as “model students.” They attend all regularly scheduled lectures, take notes, and read all assigned materials. The SI leader conducts three or more out-of-class SI sessions each week to share learning strategies, review material, and answer questions. The overall goal is to integrate “how to learn” with “what to learn”. All students enrolled in an SI-supported course are eligible and strongly encouraged to participate. At Brazosport College, students who participate in SI tend to earn from one-half to one full letter grade higher than those who do not participate in SI. 要了解有关SI的支持或有关SI的一般性问题,请联系“关于SI的一般问题”,请在979-230-3322联系Zeffreys Pat Jeffreys。 写作中心的使命Brazosport大学写作中心(BC WC)是创造和促进巴西港大学的识字文化。我们相信扫盲教育是终身过程。生活是笨拙的。虽然我们今天可能有一个计划,但我们不知道将来需要什么技能。所有字段都需要识字技巧,阅读和写作是科学,护理和员工课程的组成部分。有效的沟通是雇主始终需要的技能,而BrazoSport学院写作中心致力于支持我们的学术和更大社区的阅读和写作。 这B.C WC is not just for people who find writing, reading, or speaking difficult. All successful writers know that nothing is written in isolation. Writers need readers, and the Writing Center has at least two readers on staff every hour to work with you at every stage of the writing process. Along with walk-in visits, we also allow students to schedule appointments in advance by visiting theBC写作中心online or calling us at 979.230.3184 or 3460, and students have a choice between 25 minute and 55 minute session lengths. Students can expect to receive assistance in becoming more effective readers and communicators in speaking and writing. The Writing Center Consultants can help you with:
- 阅读理解,
- 阅读和研究您的写作项目来源,
- 集体激发尊重可能的主题,以回应任务,
- developing ideas,
- maintaining your focus in your writing,
- organizing and outlining speeches,
- clearly communicating during Power Point presentations,
- formatting academic writing following MLA, APA, and CMS, and
- discovering and learning how to control persistent patterns of error.
虽然我们不提供校对服务,但我们将努力使您成为您自己工作的更好编辑。 Faculty can expect to receive support for their students and themselves. The Writing Center will work with individual faculty members by in-class workshops, supported peer review, or supplemental workshops tailored to your class and your students’ reading and writing needs. In addition to visits at the start of the semester that describe how the Writing Center can help your students succeed, we can provide designated consultants who will meet with you to stay current on your class materials and provide feedback on how your students who visit the Writing Center seem to understand that material. Working with a designated consultant offers you a window into your students’ comprehension regarding your assignments and class-concepts, and this insight can help you decide what lessons and interventions to offer during class. In addition to support from our Consultants, the Writing Center can help you more effectively integrate writing into your courses by:
- 在制定和脚手架作业方面提供援助,以征求您想要评估的思维,
- 提供更有效地响应和评估学生写作的方法,包括帮助设计评估指南和标准以及
- 讨论如何使用写作教授写作概念,您发现学生一直努力努力。
如果您想讨论BrazoSport College With Center可以支持现有的写作指导或帮助您将写作整合到您的任何课程中,请联系写作中心,博士4月斯科斯基博士(April.Sikorski@www.d-onis.com或979.230.3174)。此外,在Facebook(BCWC)或Instagram上找到我们(@BcWriting)。 Math Center这Math Centerprovides drop-in tutoring in all areas of math. Students may drop in any time Monday through Thursday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and on Fridays, 8:00 am- to noon. Online tutoring is available for Brazosport College students that are currently enrolled in a BC online math course, during operational hours. 除了dropin数学家教,Brazosport College offers video learning lessons in foundational math concepts. These Algebra Learning Modules will help students prepare for placement exams, review long lost knowledge, and assist in course success.
For questions about the Math Center, call 979-230-3515, or contact Rebecca Goins, Tutor Coordinator, at 979-230-3134.
B.elow is a listing of other subjects that are currently available by appointment only. Availability is subject to change.
B.C Student Mentors这Student Mentorprogram is a free service that provides academic, social, and support services to first-year students. Student mentors are experienced peer leaders who provide first-hand insight on navigating the college experience and promote student success. 这Student Mentor office is located in the Student Success Center, E. 213; drop-ins are welcome or schedule an appointment to get priority service. **Office hours are subject to change each semester. 这Student Mentor Program offers a safe haven for BC students seeking:
- Academic & Social Support
- Study Strategies & Tips
- Campus Resources
- 辅导员,教授和大学部门之间的宣传
- Referral services
导师办公室号码:979-230-3439 Program Director: Vivian L. Rodgers 其他学术支持服务这学生成功中心provides three study rooms that are available for student use, along with thirteen computers with printing capabilities. Students are encouraged to reserve these study rooms to collaborate with classmates to work on projects and assignments. A conference room is also available and can be reserved for large group meetings. Students who desire assistance in a subject not listed or have questions about these additional services contact the Student Success Center, at 979-230-3184. |